The New Office Dress Code
Five New York moneymen discuss career advice, the pitfalls of casual Friday and why the necktie may be next on the endangered list.
Words by Mr Rookwood
When you hear the words “Wall Street”, what immediately springs to mind? Gordon Gekko declaring: “Greed is good”. Patrick Bateman obsessing over embossed fonts. The chest-beating chant in The Wolf of Wall Street…
But, as with most things Hollywood, the reality (and the wardrobe) is not as over-the-top as what you see on the big screen. So, in order to gain some insights about the changing state of office dressing, MR PORTER invited five financiers to lunch (which, incidentally, is not for wimps).
As it transpires, the main competition focused on who had the most varied and fulfilled life outside the office. Among this impressively diverse portfolio we have a world record-breaking automotive enthusiast, an international rugby player and a skydiving beekeeper.
Read the rest of the article here!
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